Tell us a bit about yourself:
Hi! I'm Kelli. I'm the owner/designer over here at Rylee + Cru. Rylee is my oldest child and she is 8. Cru, my middle, is 5 and our baby (you probably guessed it) , Quincy Mae just turned 2! I feel so fortunate to get to do something I love so much for work and to have such an amazing team around me that keeps this brand moving forward! I think my favorite thing about my job (aside from getting to express my creativity everyday) is seeing our customers response to our collections. We have some of the most loyal customers ever and seeing all the sweet photos shared on social media and even meeting people out in the real world always brings a smile to my face. I started this brand 5 years ago with the intention of creating a line of clothing that I'd love to dress my own kids in, and the fact that we now have so many mothers around the world dressing their children in it too is definitely a 'pinch me' kind of feeling!

What is your favorite Holiday tradition?
Every year we have an annual sugar cookie bake with my family. My grandma and mom and two sisters and all of our kids get together and bake + decorate cookies, listen to Christmas music, eat too much sugar and laugh our heads off. I look forward to it every year.
Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
Visiting my grandma in Wisconsin and getting a white Christmas ever so often. Her home is surrounded by forest and she always got heaps of snow in the winter and I remember it feeling so magical (for this So-Cal sunshine girl). Still does.

What is your favorite Holiday dish?
This is weird, but I love green bean casserole with the crunchy onions on top.
Eggnog or Hot Chocolate?
hot chocolate
Colored lights or white lights?
Real tree or fake?
What is your favorite Holiday movie?
Probably Home Alone because it was a favorite growing up and now my kids all love it too.
What is your favorite Holiday song?
Amy Grant's 'Little Town' (Amy Grant forever) ;)
What's on your wishlist this year?
HOME STUFF. We just bought a new house and are moving in two weeks before Christmas so we will basically just have a tree and (fingers crossed) a couch to sit on.